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Hi I’m Tunde!

Welcome to my creative space.

I’m a sketcher, creator & artist based in the UK, experimenting mainly with ink and watercolour. My main interests are plants, urban sketching, abstract and expressive art. Through this website I’m documenting my journey into art to inspire other self-taught artists to explore, experiment and create.

Tunde Szentes - Mixed Media Illustrator

Explore my creations

Sketchbook Stories

Urban Sketching

Watercolour Studies

Building Portraits

My latest writings

Watercolour Painting

Celebrating spring flowers

Each spring has its own story. It's a new beginning with freshness and brightness, which feels so good after a dull and wet winter. Creative energy is starting to flow…
Green cabin in woods by Tunde Art
Watercolour Painting

Painting my winter wonderland

I vividly remember those times when it was snowing in abundance during my childhood. The moments we spent outside as children sledding, building a snowman, having a snowball fight, or…

Experiencing the freedom of creation

This year was the second full year since I began my art journey. It offered me so much in terms of enhancing my creative skills and learning patience. The best…
Hawthorns Watercolour Sketch - Tunde Art
Observing autumn while exploring my style
Factory visit at Daler-Rowney by Tunde Art
A day at the Daler-Rowney factory
Honeysuckle Sketch by Tunde Szentes
Spending time with a honeysuckle

Recent creations

These are some of the creations I was working on recently

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